Open Educational Resources for Collaborative Online & Distance Education and eXchange

What we do

The OER-CODEX project is an Erasmus+ KA2 initiative committed to empowering educators in higher education with digital teaching and learning methods for collaborative online learning in blended environments through OER course modules. 

OER-CODEX builds on connectivism as an appropriate learning method for the digital age that emphasizes social interaction as a key element of the learning process and output of the results. By implementing this approach, OER-CODEX seeks to strengthen the capacity and readiness of higher education institutions to deliver effective, sustainable, and innovative digital education.

OER-Codex in Numbers
Intellectual Outputs

Project Motivation

Digitalization is continuously evolving in all aspects of life and therefore educational institutions need to adapt as well

  • COVID-19 exposed the needs of improvement in digital teaching of educational institutions, not only on the technological level but also on the pedagogical and didactics level
  • Online collaborative learning is one very promising path to engage in digital teaching and blended learning
  • However, several obstacles are present:
    • Willing educators are unable to obtain valuable guidance and information
    • Experienced educators in the field of online and blended learning are having difficulties conveying their expertise to other interested parties.
    • Lack of international cross-institutional initiative to implement online and blended learning in a systematic and widely accessible manner

To summarize:  Educators are willing to adapt and enhance their physical courses with online learning to form blended learning arrangements but lack the expertise, the technological skills and already available and accessible content to start their efforts with.

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