OER Quality Assurance

What defines the quality of OER? What to consider for evaluating OER for use?

You’ve probably already thought about the fact that the internet is full of all sorts of information that is suitable for learning. However, while there are some really good resources available for teaching and learning, the question often arises as to whether these resources are reliable and of high quality. This is an important question to keep in mind when using open educational resources in your classes, creating new resources, or encouraging learners themselves to create open educational resources.

Television outlineWatch the video Identifying high quality open educational resource (5:08 min.)
Television outlineWatch the webinar/ online lecture “Finding and Evaluating OER for higher education courses” (1:00:49)
Chat outlineShare and discuss with your peer colleague how you will ensure the development of a high-quality OER.If you have any questions or doubts, please feel free to raise them in a discussion forum.

Open Science (2021) Experts’ Panel suggested a criteria-based form of a checklist to assess the quality of OER. The suggested guidelines focus to 5 criteria with detailed quality dimensions following three levels (basic, advanced, and highly advanced): 

  • Content (fig. 2)

Dimensions of the content criteria

Fig. 2. Dimensions of the Content criterion (Open Science, 2021)

  • Learning and Teaching methods (fig. 3)
A screenshot of a white sheetDescription automatically generated

Fig. 3. Dimensions of the Learning and Teaching Methods criterion (Open Science, 2021)

  • Usability and Accessibility (fig. 4)

A screenshot of a white sheetDescription automatically generated

Fig. 4. Dimensions of the Usability and Accessibility criterion (Open Science, 2021)

  • Lifecycle and Adaptability (fig. 5)

Fig. 5. Dimensions of the Lifecycle and Adaptability criterion (Open Science, 2021)A screenshot of a white sheetDescription automatically generated

  • Findability and Sharing (fig. 6)
A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Fig. 6. Dimensions of the Findability and Sharing criterion (Open Science, 2021)

Chat outlineShare and discuss. After reviewing these OER quality criterion, please share which criteria do you most often consider when searching for OER and using it?

Based on a detailed analysis of different quality criteria measure, we have developed an OER quality assurance checklist, that you will be able to use in your daily practice. As well, we will ask you to use this checklist when designing your final assignment. It is also available as a separate document on the course page.